Murder is always a crime, and the murder of Children is the heinous of crimes.
All those responsible must be brought to justice who ever they are, where ever they may be, and whatever side they proclaim to be on. In reality they are all siding with evil and carrying out atrocities in the name of the people. They must all be brought to justice. Murder is not acceptable to the people. Look what weapons manufacturers and arms dealers do, they destroy lives, families, homes and communities, they are an affront to Human kind, they must all be shut down and those responsible brought to justice, this world belongs to the people and nature not to the evils propagated by greed and hate.
We all must make a difference and bring positive change
The National Security Council meeting has taken place.
Next is a Parliament meeting
Rhetoric ramped up by Cameron & Hague saying “We must
“Military action is required”.
Labour said we need the weapons inspectors to do their work.
Labour also said that they want to add amendments to the up coming
debate on whether our Country should go to war.
Within 24 hours this situation has changed to some degree
Cameron & Hague have gone back on their original stance
(in the public eye)
Now Hague has come back on stage, and he seems a bit fazed?
Hague said;
“There are deep concerns among the parties over Iraq ”.
“There is deep concern in this country over Iraq ”
He went on to say
“This country will be clear when it comes to war crimes,
crime against humanity”.
He said they are “Accommodating other party’s opinions.
And that they will “Proceed on a consensual process”.
We say;
The only lawful consensual process possible is one “Not
involving the use of armed force”
Therefore any armed response will be an act of aggression and
therefore a war crime.
Cameron & Hague, along with 555 other MP’s broke the law
previously when they decided to bomb Libya . To date they are still roaming
free, with the bigger worry being that they are in positions of control and power, when
in fact & by law they along with 555 other MP’s must be arrested and charge with
war crimes, they must also face the charge of “The offences against persons Act

If the USA government responds with an act of aggression against any Syrian people it will be another war
crime that they have committed
All those who are responsible for war crimes, where ever they are, and who ever they are, they will be forced to face justice for the blood of the innocent that they all have on their hands
The World does reject chemical weapons, biological weapons, in fact any weapons that are used to hurt, maime or kill people, therefore governments
of the World must comply with the public wishes and stop producing any and all arms.
People across all political parties should support this
If you don't change it nothing changes
Please also view, sign & this petition,
Also feel free to print out the section above and hand it to any & all law enforcement officers and officials in the UK, thanks.
Calling on all who are of conscience to enforce the law.
Murder is always a crime, and the murder of children is the most heinous of crimes. There comes a time when women and men must align themselves to correct action and moral fortitude and persistence for truth & justice.
The message is to stop violence not to promote it.
There has been much deliberation with UK police regarding the law and UK war criminals. International laws and treaties have been quoted, but to date have failed to be recognised by the UK police.
Here is the law as set down in the UK
The offences against Person Act 1861
(4) "Whosoever shall solicit, encourage, persuade or endeavor to persuade, or shall propose to any person, to murder any other person, whether he( or she) be a subject of Her Majesty or not, and whether he (she) be within the Queens dominions or not, shall be guilty of an offence, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for life".
The guilty; Vote count by MP’s of the UK government participation in the air strikes on Libya; 557 MPs rallied behind David Cameron's new military adventure, while only 15 MPs opposed it (13 votes against, plus 2 'tellers').
These MP’s who voted in favor of air strikes in Libya, knew full well that they would result in the deaths of children, women and men. This was and still is murder. A list of MP’s who voted in favour of air strikes on Libya is available to police on request.
Murder or manslaughter abroad.
(9) Where any murder or manslaughter shall be committed on land out of the United Kingdom, whether within the Queen’s dominions or without, and whether the person killed were a subject of Her Majesty or not, every offence committed by any subject of Her Majesty in respect of any such case, whether the same shall amount to the offence of murder or of manslaughter, may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in England or Ireland. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from being tried in any place out of England or Ireland for any murder or manslaughter committed out of England or Ireland, in the same manner as such person might have been tried before the passing of this Act.
Elements of Arrest under section 24 PACE
A lawful arrest requires two elements:
1. A person’s involvement or suspected involvement or attempted involvement in the commission of a criminal offence;
2. Reasonable grounds for believing that the person’s arrest is necessary.
Arrest under International Law
The Rome statute of the International criminal court 1998;
Article 27, (1) This statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as head of state or government, a member of a government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence. (2) Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to the official capacity of a person, whether under national or international law, shall not bar the court from exercising its jurisdiction over such a person.
By Oath in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. Please take note that this is not a political issue but one of law.
If you are a Policeman, judge or any other law enforcement officer or official
you are advised to take direct action, you are also advised to pay particular notice and attention to the following;
Nuremberg Principle IV states, “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.”
Also take note of the Rome statute of the International criminal court 1998; Article 27, (1)
Regarding the government/s
is steadily growing with
433 of 500 signatures
Though considering how many People use face book and how many people use twitter one would expect/demand that the numbers were higher.
Also feel free to print out the section above and hand it to any & all law enforcement officers and officials in the UK, thanks.